Neck Pain Oak Park
Oak Park Family Chiropractic offer quality chiropractic care for neck pain to local residents in Oak Park & surrounding areas including Glenroy, Pascoe Vale, Strathmore and Hadfield.
If you’re one of the many Australians that suffers with neck pain, you will be pleased to know that our proven Chiropractic approach may offer the solution you have been searching for.
Neck pain is very common with about one in 10 people having it at any given time. This comes as no surprise when we consider the activities of modern life such as sitting in front of a computer, watching prolonged periods of television and an increasing incidence of poor posture – particularly forward head posture.
Problems within the neck can also cause headache, shoulder pain, TMJ or jaw pain, pins and needles in the hands, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper back pain.
If you regularly experience any of the following, we encourage you to contact us for a thorough assessment:
- persistent neck ache first thing in the morning
- neck stiffness when reversing in the car
- clicking neck noise when turning
- constant aching neck muscles
- tingling in your hands or fingers